Dialectical Sparring Partners (DSPs)
built with MyGPT; user need a GPT pro account;
get one here: sign up here: https://chat.openai.com/auth/login, then upgrade to GPT plus
Log in to your gpt account. Then click on the icons and then on the conversation starter to engage in dialogue with the DSP around a problem/challenge/question you have.
The DSP will not give you answers. Like a sparring partner, it will ask you questions so that you can up with more perspectives, new approaches and develop a broader mind.
Exploring DSP |
Widening DSP |
Challenging DSP |
If you want to deepen your thinking, contact one of the Dialectical Coaches: |
Bernhard Possert, photo: (c) Doris Sporer |
Otto Laske,
Rainer von Leoprechting,
Feedback to the DSPs: "I have played around especially with the widening DSP. Very interesting elements to work with around interaction patterns and cyclical relationships. Very cool tool is my impression on the surface, to give credit to Bernhard. Such a cool environment for diving into this. Like dialogue and sparring based." |
please let me know about problems, suggestions, critique: