System Transformation encompasses different approaches Bernhard Possert has put together to support systems (individuals, oranizations, fields) to thrive in adaptive sync with reality.
a) Core Patterns
Making sense and meaning of oneself and the world
* The Elements
* Cognitive and Identity Patterns along the Elements
b) MOD - MindOpenening Dialogue
Practising Dialogue that widens our hearts and minds
The Core Patterns plus
* Digital Sparring Partners
* The "Let´s talk" dialogue approach
c) NGL - NewGoodLife
Life can be good again and again, even under changed circumstances
The Core Patterns plus
* global und local shadows
* 4fold connection
* active hope,
* the contribution of elements to the NewGoodLife
d) Personal Transformation
Supporting myself and others to widen
The Core Patterns, MindOpening Dialogue and the NewGoodLife, plus
* Spiritual patterns
* Using nature and body as context and lever for state experiences
* personal and collective shadows
e) System Transformation
Supporting Systems to thrive in adaptive sync with reality
The Core Patterns, MindOpening Dialogue and the NewGoodLife, plus
* Circles of Interest and Influence
* Design Principles of Interventions
* Differentiating Infividuals, functions, units, organizations, networks and fields
* seeing these systems, as different types, on different levels, in different states,
* principles of governance that co-evolves with changing circumstances
Find invitations to evening dialogues, "Coaching Journeys" and "Games" in the calendar.